
Power shortfalls as a result of mismanagement -Ben Boakye

The Executive Director of the Africa Center for Energy Policy (ACEP), Benjamin Boakye, says the current challenges facing the power sector are a result of mismanagement.

According to him, these challenges stem from long-standing issues. He explained that if the power sector were properly managed, there would be no need for these shortfalls.

Speaking on JoyFM’s Midday News on September 26 he said “What we are seeing, always talking about gas shortage, fuel shortage is lack of planning and efficiency injection into the space. So if we don’t plan well to have the available liquidity, we will not be able to address these problems. This will not be the last time, we will see these challenges.”

(Click the video below to watch and listen to the Joy SMS during which Benjamin Boakye passed the comments)

His comments come in response to a notice from the Ghana Grid Company Ltd. (GRIDCo) and the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), which said some of their customers were experiencing sporadic power interruptions.

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