
Plan to overturn commercial whaling moratorium sinks in Peru

A four-decade-old moratorium on commercial whaling will remain in force after a proposal to overturn it was withdrawn Thursday at a meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in Peru's capital Lima.

Another proposal to declare whaling a source of global food security was also abandoned in a plenary session after failing to gain consensus among delegates from 60 countries.

"We are relieved that the dark and dangerous resolution to resume commercial whaling has been withdrawn," said Grettel Delgadillo, Latin America representative for Humane Society International (HSI).

The first proposal was submitted by Antigua and Barbuda, which is not a whaling nation but has said it would pursue the matter at the next IWC meeting in Australia in 2026.

Delgadillo said pro-whaling stances by countries that do not consume whale meat "demonstrates how Japan continues to influence the IWC despite not being a member anymore."

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