
Outside lights are deadly to birds, especially this time of year

As gardeners, we spend a lot of time observing nature up close—When will my tomatoes turn red? What's eating my hosta? What's that white stuff on my peonies?—and we react as needed to ensure our plants survive and thrive.

But there are other, sometimes overlooked, garden residents that need our help, too: birds.

A recent study jointly conducted by scientists at Fordham University, the NYC Bird Alliance, the American Bird Conservancy and Stony Brook University in New York found that collisions with windows kill more than 1 billion birds annually in the U.S., mostly at homes and other lower buildings.

That number is likely even higher because birds can hit a window, become injured and fly away, then die elsewhere or be taken by a predator, said Connie Sanchez, program manager for bird-friendly buildings at the National Audubon Society.

But small changes by homeowners and renters can make a big difference.

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