
NGO board tasks URA on delays, grant exemptions

Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) has been tasked to address delays in processing applications and issuing grant exemptions.

According to the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Forum, such delays make donors withdraw grant offers since they operate within strict deadlines.

Speaking during a quarterly dialogue on Thursday, Uganda NGO Board chairman Xavier Ejoyi said the delays further hinder the effectiveness of NGOs.

"Tax exemptions are required by donors as a precondition for granting funds to organizations. Delays from the URA in clearing grant exemptions lead to failures in meeting donor obligations, and sometimes donors refuse to provide grants because deadlines are missed. The delays in tax exemptions for vehicles and imported products have, on occasion, resulted in increased costs for NGOs," Ejoyi added.

There are about 14,000 NGOs in Uganda, which have directly and indirectly benefited approximately 12.4 million people.

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