
Greener nanomaterials could transform how our everyday stuff is made

I'm one of many researchers studying how to create, manipulate and apply these materials sustainably to develop new technologies and improve existing ones. This offers advantages across many applications, including aerospace, solar panels and electronics.

Silica nanomaterial is already all around you, but you probably don't even realize it. Silica (SiO 2 ), a compound that contains both silicon and oxygen, is commonly found in rocks. It is one of the most mass produced nanomaterials worldwide, with an expected market of US$5 trillion (£3.8 trillion) by 2025.

It's used to make things you encounter every day, from improving the strength of concrete to improving the durability of rubber tires, plus it enhances the cleaning properties and consistency of toothpaste. Silica nanomaterial could have exciting high-value applications, like medicines and wastewater treatment.

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