
Concern as Katakwi tops in GBV cases

District leaders in eastern Uganda’s Katakwi District have expressed concern over the rising prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV) among marrieds and teenagers.

A recent study by the Center for Health, Human Rights, and Development (CEHURD) conducted in Teso and Karamoja sub-regions, Katakwi District tops the list with a disturbing surge in GBV cases.

About 3,345 GBV cases were reported between April and March 2024.

Senior Probation Officer Betty Angiro told Monitor that most of the cases are a result of rising school dropout rates and poverty, which often lead to forced marriages and subsequent GBV, largely due to financial insecurity.

“Men have started reporting these cases, which is a good development. Often, the women are acting in self-defense after their partners return home intoxicated and fail to provide for the family. Under the influence of alcohol, the men are weaker, and the women retaliate, leading to violence," Angiro observed.

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